Supreme Fertility Season

Supreme Fertility Season

While Fertility includes the art of conception, its essence is rooted in providing fertile ground for things to grow. The vibration of this Bundle is for expansion, psychic clearing and the creation of a new reality. This delves deeply into the Divine Feminine, and maintaining that vibration. It’s very easy to step out of your divine routine, neglecting the parts of yourself that deserve the most tending to. Self-Care is the best care. Feminine energy is gently powerful and open to receiving. Everyday, we can use our minds and bodies to maintain a life of expansion, creativity, love, luxury and abundance. We deserve it.

Now, if conception is your goal; the items in the Fertility Bundle are also here to assist you. I believe a spiritual consult with your partner (including a professional or not) is the best way to approaching the situation from a holistic standpoint. After you discuss your goals with your partner, The Most High and your spiritual team, you should feel confident and blessed to manifest. Ase!

Using the Herb Bath whilst focusing on your desires for family is the first part of the ritual. If you and your partner can bathe together, even better. Use the Fertility Oil daily all over and as directed in the product description. That should be followed by the Fertility Spray, applied from toe to head and then sprayed on your linen and in your sacred spaces. The next 7-9 days should be dedicated to productive thoughts, relaxation, love, passion and tending to these practices. After the first ritual, you’ll feel an instant shift in your energy and know that any blockages are actively being removed from your path. The days that follow may feel like routine, but the energy work is being done by your consistent thought, action and practice.

I encourage you to keep your mind and spirit open, for the way things manifest may surprise you in the best of ways. Every item I created here supports this fact; Fertility is a Vibration. Feel the love and divinity and remember that no matter what seems to be going on externally (or in the world), internally YOU hold the Power! 

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