28 Days of Pleasure

28 Days of Pleasure

Hey Sensual Siren, and welcome to the Love Month! The next 28 days have the potential to be extra juicy and sweet for you. To fully indulge into your Sensual Siren Vibration, you can use this guide. For the entire month, I encourage you to focus on the following:

Week 1: Create a Sensual Goddess Playlist to promote Sacred Movement. Allow the beauty of the divine to flow through you and naturally open your channels of sensuality, pleasure and manifestation.

Week 2: Write down several things that you love about your BODY. Our Goddess Temple should be honored as it houses our mind, emotions and spiritual energies.

Week 3: Dedicate every night to Sacred Meditation Time. Creating a Sacred Space to connect with the Divine keeps us connected to higher frequencies throughout the Sensual Goddess Journey.

Week 4: Practice Self-Affirmations in the mirror, daily! Look at yourself while citing what you desire, why you deserve it and why you are going to get it.

Practicing these Sensual Principles throughout the month will keep you emotionally balanced and aligned with Sensual Goddess Energy. You have the power within to transform your reality. Explore that Power this month.

The Sensual Goddess Journey is a unique and personal experience for each Siren (VIP Member). Parts of the Journey include Madame's customized training, specific to your lifestyle and Sensual Archetype. If you find that you enjoy utilizing the free training materials to maximize pleasure in your life, consider scheduling a Sensual Goddess Coaching Session with La Madame Sirena - The Sensual Goddess CEO.

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